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Cable Pits for TMR

cable pits for TMR

ACO is an approved registered supplier of pits and lids to the QLD Government – Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR). All components delivered to the project are accompanied with batch-related material and test certification providing full traceability to every step in ACO’s supply chain.

ACO CABLEMATE® Type(s) 3, 4 and 60 cable pits, risers, collars and lids comply with TMR Specification MRTS91 Conduits and Pits; steel lids are fabricated to the requirements of MRTS78 Fabrication of Structural Steelwork; and manufactured to TMR standard drawings.

All lids are tested to AS 3996; electrically insulated to the requirements of AS/NZS 3000; and are slip rated to AS 4586.

TMR Parts list

TMR Type 3
Part No. Description
75865 T3 TMR - Plastic Pit
5051033 T3 TMR - Steel Lid - Communications
5051034 T3 TMR - Steel Lid - Electrical
5051035 T3 TMR - Steel Lid - Earth

PDFProduct Data Sheet

TMR Type 4
Part No. Description
75957 T4 TMR - Plastic Pit
5051043 T4 TMR - Steel Lid - Communications
5051044 T4 TMR - Steel Lid - Electrical

PDFProduct Data Sheet

TMR Type 60
Part No. Description
142809 T60 TMR - Steel Lid and Pit assembly - Communications
142810 T60 TMR - Steel Lid and Pit assembly - Electrical
143303 T60 TMR - Macro-Composite Lid and Pit assembly - Communications
143304 T60 TMR - Macro-Composite Lid and Pit assembly - Electrical
142815 T60 TMR Riser assembly
142830 T60 TMR Infill Lid for Concrete Infill
142808 T60 TMR Precast Concrete Surround to TMR drawing no. SD1685

PDFProduct Data Sheet

For more info contact Tim Urquhart
Ph.: 07 3292 4500
Mob. 0423 521 262

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